First Friday Mass in Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Start Date/Time:
Friday, November 3, 2023 8:30 AM
End Date/Time:
Friday, November 3, 2023 9:30 AM
Recurring Event:
Recurring Event On the First Friday of the month until 12/1/2023 (total 22 events)
High Priority High Priority
Special Events

Come let us adore and worship our Lord, whose Sacred Heart longs to pour out upon us His graces and gifts.  

All are invited to the 8:30am Mass in honor of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. We consecrate ourselves to the Sacred Heart by acknowledging Him as Creator and Redeemer and as having full rights over us as King of kings, by repenting, and by resolving to serve Him. We also make reparation for the indifference and ingratitude with which He is treated.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb

of the Blessed Virgin Mary, have mercy on us.