This Sunday, the Feast of Corpus Christi, we gather once again in thanksgiving to God for the gift of Himself in the Eucharist. We thank our Lord for the nourishment and strength He lavishes upon us as He offers Himself to us, for He said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is My flesh for the life of the world.” (John 6:51)
Continued prayers for the health and well-being of all our friends at St. Luke, especially those who cannot be with us in church physically, but I trust are with us spiritually through your participation in broadcast or livestream Sunday Mass.
For those who are attending our Corpus Christi celebration, please be reminded of the following:
1) As directed by the County Medical Officer, for contact tracing purposes, you will need to fill out and sign a Consent Form. No need to submit if you did so last week. One person can do it for the whole household. Consent Forms are available at the entrance of the church. Please bring your own pens. Or, you can print the form (click here to download) and bring it to church when you come to Mass.
2) As proper distancing have been in place, no more than 80 parishioners can be accommodated inside the church. You are required to sign up here and indicate the number of people attending.
3) You are required to wear your face mask at all times while in church. Please bring your personal sanitizers as well.
4) For health consideration, you are encouraged to receive Holy Communion in the hand. Those who will receive by the tongue will be last in the line.
5) Those receiving Holy Communion are reminded to adhere to the 6ft distancing indicated by the yellow tape markers on the floor. After receiving communion, follow the arrow to go back to your places.
Your cooperation and patience are much appreciated. With God's continued direction and care, we look forward to another grace-filled Eucharistic Feast as one parish community of faith.
In Christ, with prayers for all of you,
Rev. Jonathan Paala
St. Luke Catholic Church
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