Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Have you ever heard the voice of the Lord?
As we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday, we rejoice in the love and compassion of the Lamb of God who offered Himself and gave up His life as a ransom for our sins. We celebrate the tender love and care of our Good Shepherd who calls us by name and leads us to the pastures of His Heart.
There are times when we cannot hear God calling us. There are numerous voices that lead us astray. We get enticed by the world and its false values. We get distracted by selfish concerns and anxieties in life. We get separated from God each time we offend Him and our brothers and sisters. But, no matter how far we must have wandered off from the Lord, we are assured that our loving Shepherd would do all that He could to search for us and bring us back to His fold. Christ's self-sacrificial oblation on the Cross is the ultimate sign of that love.
This same Love lives on and comes alive each time Christ offers Himself anew in the Eucharist. This same Love continues to lead us to the springs of life-giving water each time the Spirit of God dwells in us through the sacraments. This same Love continues to comfort us in our struggles. This same Love inspires us to be like shepherds to one another, caring for one another, bringing Christ's compassion and love to those in need.
Trusting in the love of our Good Shepherd who has endured the worst suffering and pain, we are fortified in our faith pilgrimage with all its trials and hardships. We are consoled believing that our compassionate Shepherd will never abandon us, that He will be with us until the end. Until that final time comes when we will hear the voice of the Lord calling us back home, opening to us the gates of His kingdom, where all of us, His beloved children will come to worship forever the Lamb who is enthroned on High.
God is Love,
father Al