Altar Linens
Help prepare the altar linens for Mass and special services. Contact Mary True 650.571.8783
Home > Ministries
Help prepare the altar linens for Mass and special services. Contact Mary True 650.571.8783
Interested boys and girls who have received their first Holy Communion may contact Tony Belo 650.345.6660.
Your loving sacrifices and commitment to AAA allow the Archdiocese of San Francisco to continue serving the universal Church and the local community.
To make donations to AAA, please contact the Archdiocesan Office of Development at or 1.415.614.5580. If you would like to discuss other ways to give to AAA, please contact St. Luke parish office at 650.345.6660 or the Archdiocesan Office of Development at 1.415.614.5580.
If you would like to contribute to St. Luke Church other than during Mass collections, please contact the Parish Office.
A short course in Christianity; a three day weekend retreat with a day of Faith, a day of Hope, a day of Love. Contact Kevin & Jo Moran (650) 477-0493.
The Faith Formation Program is for confirmed Catholics seeking an opportunity to further their understanding and appreciation for the Church and its teachings.
If you are interested to join, please don’t hesitate to call Deacon Mar Tano (650.867.5542).
Contact Mar Tano 650.867.5542.
Oversees major budgetary decisions of the parish.
Contact: John Bernat, 650.678-5840
Contact Ellen Six 650.341.0683.
The organization, Knights of Columbus, is the foremost Catholic fraternal benefit society, that helps families obtain economic security and stability through its life insurance, annuity and long-term care programs, and contributes community service worldwide. Contact Master Knight, Eddie Torres,
If you are interested in a more active participation at Mass, please contact Peggy Simkins 650.573.5370.
NOTE: We have a new procedure for the scheduling of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. If you wish to serve as a Eucharistic Minister, please sign up one week in advance at the sheet posted in the Bulletin Board. Thank you for your cooperation.
Legion of Mary is a lay Catholic organization whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country. Meets virtually on Thursdays at 12:15pm. Contact Georgie Unson (650) 345-2613.
The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered at the 9:00 A.M. Sunday Mass. This is an opportunity for children to listen and interact with the Sunday morning Scripture Reading in their own level. There is no fee or registration. It is open to all children at Mass who are preschoolers (4 years old) through 2nd grade.
Contact Parish Office 8 - 12 months in advance.
St. Luke Catholic Church is blessed to have many talented and musically inclined parishioners.
Our variety of choir/music groups adds a joyful sound to every weekend Mass, as well as specially planned services. Newcomers are always welcome to participate and consider joining these groups. If you are interested, please feel free to introduce yourself before or after the Mass. Come join in the song!
Main Contact: Elysabeth Allen (650) 868-0264
Assists the pastor in overall parish needs.
Contact: Eddie Torres,
Current members:
Fr. Alner Nambatac, Fr. Manuel Igrobay, Deacon Mar Tano, Rosie Acosta, Elysabeth Allen, Jana Cadiz, Regina Carbon, Kai Lam, Ellen Six, Elsie Sze, Evelyn Torres
For Adult education For Youth education
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) meets with people who have an interest or questions on what it means to be Catholic and those who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
A similar two-year program is also offered to children ages 8-11 years old who come to the Religious Education Program for the first time. The children and their families prepare for the sacrament of Reconciliation and the First Eucharist to be celebrated in May.
This is a two year program beginning with first grade where children learn of God’s love. In the second year, the children and families prepare for the sacrament of Reconciliation. The second half of the year is spent in preparing for First Eucharist to be celebrated in May. Meetings and retreats allow parents to be involved in helping their child know the meaning of these sacraments within their homes as well as within the classroom.
Youth & adults interested in donating their time to making and delivering sandwiches to Samaritan House in San Mateo are welcome to contact us! Contact Peg Culver 650.349.1408.
During Masses on the second Sunday of each month. Named for considering giving an amount comparable to a “skipped” meal to the collection for others in need in San Mateo County.
Charitable activities for Foster City – Meetings are second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 3pm, in the parish center (classroom #4). Contact Peggy Simkins 650.573.5370.
SVDPC - Fifth Sunday-of-the-month second collections help provide funds for the charity’s efforts.
Meetings are second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 3 pm. Contact Peggy Simkins 650.573.5370.
The Women’s Bible Study and Discussion Group meets in Room 4 of the St. Luke Parish Center. This group meets from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday mornings to discuss various books of the Bible, the scripture readings for the following Sunday, and to provide prayer support for its members and the community. All women are welcome.
Contact - Patti Villano - (650) 341-6913
Faith...Fellowship...Service Contact 650-345-66-60