
Religious Education

“Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” (Jn 17:3) “The definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch, but also in communion and intimacy, with Jesus Christ” (Catechesi Tradendae). The Religious Education programs prepare students for the Sacraments of Penance, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and for a lifetime devotion to God.

Religious Education (Re-Ed)

We recognize parents as the first teachers of their children in beliefs and practices of our Catholic Faith. Our Religious Education Program is designed to assist parents in their role as primary educators of their children. The program provides formal classroom instruction in the doctrines of our faith, and provides an environment which enables children to apply these teachings to their lives. Equally important to this instruction are our goals of helping children and families to worship, sharing and fostering community and motivating children to service. Parents’ participation in all aspects of our program is essential to its purpose and success. The parents catechize informally but powerfully by bexample and instruction; we, therefore, ask that parents give their children’s religious classes the importance they deserve. By working together, parish and family, our faith will fill the hearts of our children.

The Religious Education Program welcomes all children and youth, baptized or not, to participate in the catechetical program.  Contact Sr. Maria Fe Bigwas, RVM at (650)574-9191, or by way of email at


Catechesis: Classes are offered three times a month: the first three Wednesdays of the month from September to May. All classes are held at the Parish Center.

  • 5:30-6:30 PM - Grades 1-4
  • 6:45-7:45 PM - Grades 5-8

Click here to view the Religious Education Program Handbook.

Liturgy of the Word for Children: The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered at the 9:00 A.M. Sunday Mass. This is an opportunity for children to listen and interact with the Sunday morning Scripture Reading in their own level. There is no fee or registration. It is open to all children at Mass who are preschoolers (4 years old) through 2nd grade.

A Family Mass is celebrated every Sunday at 9:00 A. M. The children with their families are encouraged to celebrate and worship together as part of the parish community. Every 2 nd Sunday of the month, the Re-Ed classes take turns to sponsor the Family Mass.

Sacramental Preparation for Second Grade: This is a two year program beginning with first grade where children learn of God’s love. In the second year, the children and families prepare for the sacrament of Reconciliation. The second half of the year is spent in preparing for First Eucharist to be celebrated in May. Meetings and retreats allow parents to be involved in helping their child know the meaning of these sacraments within their homes as well as within the classroom.

Sacramental Preparation for Ages 8-11 years old: A similar two-year program is also offered to children ages 8-11 years old who come to the Religious Education Program for the first time. The children and their families prepare for the sacrament of Reconciliation and the First Eucharist to be celebrated in May.

The Confirmation Preparation Program is a two-year journey of faith for students having completed eight years of religious education or parochial school. Classes are held three times a month from September to May.

  • Confirmation Year 1 (Grade 8) and Confirmation Year II (High School)
    6:45-7:45 P.M.
    First three Wednesdays of the month

         Click here to view the Confirmation Preparation Program.

Youth Ministry: We envision to organize a CORE team to offer various activities for high-school age young people for faith formation, community building, service, and integration of their faith life. Be part of this team and volunteer.

Safety Environment Program: The KIDS SAFETY CURRICULUM is a requirement from the Archdiocese of San Francisco for the protection and safety of all children from any form of abuse.

  • Child Safety: “Talking About Touching” is offered to 1 st -3 rd graders. Teachers and parents learn to provide children with skills to practice common safety rules. Children are taught WHO and HOW to ask for help when feeling unsafe or uncomfortable.
  • Child Safety: “On-line Course” is required of all 4 th to 8 th graders and High School (Confirmation candidates). Children will learn how to identify different types of harm and how to get help, grow in understanding themselves and others, set personal boundaries, and how to practice safe internet use. With the supervision of the parents, the students log on to the link: to take the course. Once completed, the students are required to submit the Certificate of Completion of the on-line course to the Re-Ed Office.

Click here to view/take the Child Safety On-line Course.


Registration for all Religious Education programs are held each Spring up to the last day of class in May. Registration forms are made available at the Re-Ed Office or you may download it below.

Click here to view and download the Registration Form A (For 1st, 3rd through 8th Grade Students).

Click here to view and download the Registration Form B (for 1st Holy Communion & Confirmation).

Click here to view and download the Parental Permission & Health Authorization Form.

Click here to view and download the Sponsor's Information Form (for Confirmation).

Volunteer opportunities!

Sharing the faith with children is critically important. Our program of catechesis/religious education offers formation to children from Grades 1 to 8; and HS (Confirmation Candidates). Our entire Faith Formation Program depends on volunteers. All the Catechists and aides are volunteers.

Contact Sr. Maria Fe Bigwas, RVM at (650)574-9191, or by way of email at, or submit the Volunteer Form if you wish to volunteer.

  • Catechist: Teach the basic truths of faith according to the Archdiocesan Religious Education guidelines; involves preparing, teaching, attending Mass and participating in enrichment gatherings.
  • Substitute Catechist: Cover classes when needed.
  • Student-Aides: Assist children’s learning needs in the classroom, under the guidance of the teacher.
  • Hall Monitor: Watch the hallways, lead children to and from the rest rooms, be available in case a teacher needs assistance.
  • Office Help: Answer phones, prepare mailings, by folding, stuffing, seal and stamp envelopes, help with attendance, make copies, etc.
  • Youth Ministry: Part of the CORE team members to organize the youth of the parish (Youth after Confirmation).
  • Confirmation Preparation: Assist in the confirmation candidates’ activities: retreat, recollection, service projects, rehearsals, etc.

Click here to view/download/print the Volunteer Form.

(Please note that all Parish Volunteers, like all Parish clergy and Staff, are subject to the Code of Ministerial Behavior for the Archdiocese of San Francisco.)