
Directory of Ministries and Organizations

Help prepare the altar linens for Mass and special services. Contact 650.345.6660
Interested boys and girls who have received their first Holy Communion may contact Kai Lam/Ruth Lai 650.345.6660.
Your loving sacrifices and commitment to AAA allow the Archdiocese of San Francisco to continue serving the universal Church and the local community. To make donations to AAA, please contact the Archdiocesan Office of Development at development@sf...

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If you would like to contribute to St. Luke Church other than during Mass collections, please contact the Parish Office.
A short course in Christianity; a three day weekend retreat with a day of Faith, a day of Hope, a day of Love.  Contact Kevin & Jo Moran (650) 477-0493.

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Contact Mar Tano 650.867.5542.
The organization, Knights of Columbus, is the foremost Catholic fraternal benefit society, that helps families obtain economic security and stability through its life insurance, annuity and long-term care programs, and contributes community service w...

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If you are interested in a more active participation at Mass... as Lector, please contact Peggy Simkins  as Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please contact Madeleine Besse at 650.345.6660 Thank you. We look forward ...

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Legion of Mary is a lay Catholic organization whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country. Meets in St. Matthew Room 4 of our church on Thursdays at 12:05pm. Contact Lucy Chua (650) 574-1977. ...

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Contact Parish Office 8 - 12 months in advance.
Main Contact: Elysabeth Allen (650) 578-0123 St. Luke Catholic Church is blessed to have many talented and musically inclined parishioners. Our variety of choir /music groups adds a joyful sound to every weekend Mass, as well as specially plann...

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For Adult education For Youth education
Youth & adults interested in donating their time to making and delivering sandwiches to Samaritan House in San Mateo are welcome to contact us!  Contact Peg Culver 650.349.1408. Meet at the church kitchen at 9:30am every 4th (and 5th)&nbs...

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During Masses on the second Sunday of each month.  Named for considering giving an amount comparable to a “skipped” meal to the collection for others in need in San Mateo County.

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Charitable activities for Foster City – Meetings are second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 3pm, in the parish center (classroom #4). Contact Peggy Simkins 650.573.5370. SVDPC - Fifth Sunday-of-the-month second collections help pr...

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Meetings are second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, at 3 pm.  Contact Peggy Simkins 650.573.5370.
The Women’s Bible Study and Discussion Group meets in Room 4 of the St. Luke Parish Center. This group meets from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month to discuss various books of the Bible, the scripture readings for ...

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Faith...Fellowship...Service Contact 650-345-66-60