Stewardship | USCCB
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Jesus Christ teaches that whenever we welcome one of the least of our brothers we welcome Christ himself.
We are all prodigal children longing to be welcomed home. For many Catholics, our parish is our second home. We worship there, we socialize, we lift each other up in prayer. We sing in the choir or serve on a parish ministry. Our kids go to religious education. It’s a very comfortable and welcoming place.
Except when it isn’t. If you’re new, it can be strange. There are no familiar faces. “Where should I sit?” “ Where is the bathroom?” “ Do I really want to stick around for coffee after Mass if I don’t know anyone?”
Our parish should be a place where everyone feels at home. With special vigilance, parishioners must seek out and welcome “new” and old members to the parish with a loving heart, an open ear and eyes that see Christ in each person.