CHYLL (Christ Helping Youth Love Life) would like to thank all of the parishioners for the amazing support.
Middle school and High school students, we would love to see you get involved and to offer you retreat and conference opportunities, such as OnFire Norcal at Six Flags, LA Youth Day, and Steubenville Norcal/Socal. Apply to be part of the Youth Ministry core team today! Questions? Contact the parish office or Jana Cadiz.
Youth Ministry Application Youth Ministry Flyer
All interested youth are welcome to join the Youth Music Ministry Choir at the 9:00am Mass on Sundays.
“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.” (Isaiah 12:2)
Altar Servers
Interested boys and girls who have received their first Holy Communion may contact Tony Belo 650.345.6660.
Sandwiches on Sundays
Youth & adults interested in donating their time to making and delivering sandwiches to Samaritan House in San Mateo are welcome to contact us! Contact Peg Culver 650.349.1408.
St. Vincent de Paul Conference (SVDPC)
Charitable activities for Foster City – Meetings are second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 3pm, in the parish center (classroom #4). Contact Peggy Simkins 650.573.5370. SVDPC - Fifth Sunday-of-the-month second collections help pr...