
  • Rev. Manuel Igrobay

  • Rev. Fr. Michael Rocha
    Parochial Vicar

  • Deacon David Arms

  • Deacon Mar Tano

  • Sr. Fe Bigwas, RVM
    Director of Religious Education

  • Maria Teresa Alvarez
    Administrative Assistant

  • Maryvee Estacio
    Administrative Assistant
  • Denise Allen
    Parish Operations Manager


Parish Council

Assists the pastor in overall parish needs.

Current members: Fr. Manuel Igrobay, Fr. Michael Rocha, Deacon Mar Tano, Deacon Dave Arms, Rosie Acosta, Elysabeth Allen, George Arackaparambil, Madeleine Besse, Jana Cadiz, Alyce Hoge, Kai Lam, Shajen Muttath, Elsie Sze, Helena Ting, Steve Torre

Finance Council

Oversees major budgetary decisions of the parish.

Contact: John Bernat, 650.678-5840


Welcome to Our Parish!

Thank you for your interest in becoming part of our St. Luke Catholic Church community.  It is our sincere hope that you find a welcoming spiritual home among us.

As you complete the following registration form, please consider participating in an active role in the parish through our various ministries and organizations.  Your time and talents would be greatly appreciated, so please fill out the Ministries section of the form as well!
If you are already a parish member and want to become more involved, you may express this by filling out the Ministries section.

If you have any questions or would like any particular assistance for you or your family, you are welcome to contact our parish staff or any of our ministries; we are here for you. 

Download Parish Registration Form

You can drop this form into the Sunday collection basket, bring it to the Parish Office, or mail it to the Parish office address on the web site.

Thank you.


Archdiocesan Annual Appeal

About the Annual Appeal

The Church has always depended on the support of its generous members like you to minister to the poor, shelter the homeless, educate the youth, and care for the sick and vulnerable.

The Archdiocesan Annual Appeal is an important avenue for each of us to contribute to the work of the Church as Christ has commissioned us to do. This year’s theme is from John 13:15, “As I have done for you, you should also do.” Through our gifts to the Appeal, we are able to express our commitment to bring Christ to others.  Hopeful that with the grace of God and through our united support, we will have a fruitful Appeal and we will be able to reach our $52,502.00 parish goal for this year. 

We are now enabling donations to the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (AAA) securely via our own online giving platform (click here). You can make a one-time or recurring gift using your credit card, or directly from your bank account to the AAA. And, more importantly, your donation will be immediately credited toward our parish's AAA goal. You can still contribute by check or cash directly to Saint Luke Parish. Please make checks payable to “Archdiocesan Annual Appeal”.

If you have any questions about the online donation process, please contact the Archdiocesan Office of Development at or (415) 614-5580. If you would like to discuss other ways to give to the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal, please contact the parish office at (650) 345-6660 or the Archdiocesan Office of Development at (415) 614-5580.

Thanks for your support of our parish and the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal!