

This weekend is a unique one in that we have two gospel readings, both from Matthew.  The first is known as the “Procession Gospel”, which describes our Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, even though his public ministry is about to come to a close.  Before this, He had not wanted to be recognized as the Messiah, but now He has finished His mission of working miracles and preaching and reveals Himself as God the Father wills.

The second or “Passion Gospel” occurs during Passover, the annual memorial of the 12 tribes of Israel being delivered by God out of the bondage of slavery to Pharaoh in Egypt. In the Book of Exodus on the night of Passover the lamb was sacrificed, unleavened bread was eaten, and Israel was finally set free. God’s people were redeemed and delivered, and so began their journey home to the promised land.  

At the Last Supper, Jesus institutes the Eucharist in the context of the Jewish Passover meal and he is, in a sense, inaugurating the new Passover. This new Passover parallels the old Passover.   It takes place on Passover night, but now will involve the sacrifice of the Lamb of God.  Jesus instructs the apostles and His future Church to eat the Passover lamb in the form of His body and blood. The first Passover began in Egypt and ended eventually in Jerusalem, the earthly promised land. The new Passover of Jesus, in his passion, begins in Jerusalem and ends with His resurrection and ascension into the heavenly promised land. By partaking in the New Passover, the Eucharistic Meal, His faithful followers also will be freed from their earthly slavery to sin so as to enter into the heavenly promised land.

By Deacon Dave Arms