

All are invited to our cluster churches' prayer service to commemorate the Feast of the Divine Mercy on April 16, 2023, beginning at 3:00pm in St. Timothy Church.  There will be an Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions will be available.

How to celebrate the Feast:

It was clarified by the words of Our Lord to St. Faustina:

1. We are to prepare with a novena of chaplets starting on Good Friday 

2. We are to be purified by the “Tribunal of mercy,” the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

3. We are to venerate the sacred image of the merciful Savior by gazing upon it as a reminder to trust Jesus and be merciful.

4. We are to perform some works of mercy to others.

CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY: Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Clothe the Naked, Shelter the Homeless, Visit the Sick, Visit the Imprisoned, Bury the Dead 

SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY: Admonish the Sinner, Instruct the Ignorant, Counsel the Doubtful, Bear Wrongs Patiently, Forgive Offenses Willingly, Comfort the Afflicted, Pray for the Living and the Dead      

5. We are to seal and ratify the covenant of mercy by receiving Holy Communion.

Through this great Feast of Divine Mercy, we are revived and transformed by no other greater love than the love of Christ Jesus who died for us, redeeming us by His blood to set us free from sin and death. Jesus, now risen and alive, made the ultimate sacrifice, so that we might have life eternal. In Jesus, we see the Father's loving mercies made visible.


Click here to view the promises Jesus made to those who pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.