

3rd Sunday of Advent: A Reflection

Posted on December 16, 2023 in: General News

Today we celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday. “Gaudete” is a Latin word, meaning “rejoice.” The Christian steward should be characterized by a spirit of rejoicing.
Our First Reading, from Isaiah, expresses a fitting motto for us. “I rejoice heartily in the Lord, in my God is the joy of my soul.” It is God Who is the source of our joy and contentment — not things or achievements or comfort, but our relationship with God.
This is why stewards can share so freely of their time, talents and material possessions — because ultimately, we are not attached to these things. We recognize them as good gifts from our loving Father, but we are attached to the Giver of the gifts, not the gifts themselves. This allows for great freedom in life and the capacity for great joy in the Lord.
In fact, we can become like John the Baptist, in today's Gospel passage from the Book of John. We read this description of the prophet: “He came for testimony, to testify to the light... He was not the light but came to testify to the light.” This is our calling too — to testify to the Light, our wonderful Savior — by the way we make use of the time, talent and treasure He has entrusted to our care.
When God Himself is the source of our joy, it cannot be taken away from us. There is still time, this Advent season, to clear away any “clutter” in our lives that may take our focus away from Him. Let us strive to detach from any of these things so that we can be free to truly rejoice in God on Christmas Day.

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