

3rd Sunday of Lent: A Reflection

Posted on March 01, 2024 in: General News

Our readings call us to roll up our sleeves and persevere through the remainder of Lent by committing to a more faithful life with Christ.
In today's Gospel, Jesus purifies the temple area because it is being misused as a marketplace. He becomes angry at their lack of reverence for God. He spills the coins of the money changers and overturns tables, saying, “Take these out of here, and stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.”
Jesus witnessed the way people mistreated the temple — the place to worship God and God alone. He drives out evil and works to purify all that is sinful in that place. This is what Jesus wants to do for us this Lenten season. He wants to remove all impurity and evil in our lives and hearts so that we may have a proper dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. Let us ask ourselves, what areas of our life need cleansing? Let us name those areas and invite Jesus to purify us. He became man to carry our burdens and wipe away our sins. He has given us boundless mercy, but we must do our part to seek it and commit to living a more faithful life as a disciple of Christ. With this knowledge, let us seek to be purified from our sins so that our hearts might be a true temple of the Holy Spirit.
This season of Lent is only halfway done — there is still time to work through our shortcomings and purify our hearts for Easter morning. But let us not waste another moment. Let us name our shortcomings, seek God’s mercy and invite Him to transform our hearts.

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