

In our readings this week, Eldad, Medad, and the man driving out demons were all doing the work of God. They had been entrusted with a gift and used it to glorify the Lord. Joshua and John should have responded in joy and appreciation for another’s gifts and talents.
We oftentimes look at another’s strengths as our weakness whether it be in parish life, in the workforce, or even in our own families.
Jesus is calling us to cut out those sinful thoughts and attitudes from our lives. The next time we witness someone being a good steward of God’s gifts — rejoice! And continue to examine how you are using your gifts and talents to ensure you are being a good steward of what God has entrusted to you.
We do not want to end up like the rich in our Second Reading from St. James. They stored up their riches to the point where they withheld wages from their workers! They clenched tightly to the pleasures and luxuries that the world offers and put it in front of both God and their neighbor. They misused the gifts God bestowed on them.
We must keep this in perspective as we journey on our path as Christian stewards. We do not live for this life, but for the next.
He has given us time every day, countless talents, and numerous treasures. Are we using them for His glory?
This week when we witness other people in our lives using the gifts God has given to them, instead of becoming jealous or critical, say a prayer of thanksgiving and take time to reflect on what God has gifted you and how you can offer it to Him for His glory.

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