

Dear Parishioners,

Hoping you are all well.  Although this current health crisis has disrupted our parish life and activities, we continue to be in solidarity with the whole Catholic Church, in faith, hope, and love, through Christ our Lord who heals.

Based on the memo issued by our Archbishop, Most Rev. Salvatore Cordileone, Mass will be celebrated every day in our parish church with only one altar server in attendance.  Due to the “shelter in place” order, no one else can be present in the church during the celebration of Mass, only one priest and one altar server.  This means that for the time being, and until further notice, there will be no public celebration of Mass.  The Mass intentions that have been requested will still be offered each day. 

Since the celebration of Mass in public is not available, we are not bound by the obligation of Sunday Mass attendance in Church.  However, we are not dispensed from the third Commandment of God to "keep the Lord's Day holy." We are still expected to observe the Lord's Day while being in the confines of our home. We can attend Mass remotely by watching a televised Sunday Mass, making an act of spiritual communion, meditating on Scriptures, and praying the Rosary.

During this crucial time when our prayers are most essential, and to allow you moments before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, our Chapel will be open from 9:00am to 6:00pm, Monday through Sunday.

Last Rites will be available, by appointment.  Please email

Thank you for your patience and understanding.  We continue to pray and hope that this crisis will end and that it will bring us closer to God, our families and our fellow parishioners through prayers and acts of kindness.

In Christ, with prayers for all of you,

Rev. Jonathan Paala


Click here for the detailed memo of Archbishop Cordileone

Click here for Archbishop Cordileone's advice on How to Keep the Lord's Day Holy

Click here to make an Act of Spiritual Communion