

Today, we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday.  As a shepherd gathers and takes care of His sheep, so does our Lord enfold us in His infinite love and compassionate care. The COVID-19 crisis we are experiencing now cannot stop our Lord from embracing us in the shelter of His arms, offering us healing, strength and courage.

Christ continues to be the Shepherd of our souls during each Eucharistic Sacrifice offered here at St. Luke and at all Churches (in which you participate virtually), and during moments of personal encounter with Him in prayer, as He calls each of us by name, "My beloved, forgiven, ransomed and treasured child...I have laid down My life for you...I love you and you are Mine."

Today is also the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. We ask the Lord to send laborers into His harvest, that young men and women respond with generous hearts to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, and societies of apostolic life or secular institutes. (click here for the Prayer for Vocations)

Let us continue to be united in faith, hope and love as the Holy Spirit binds our hearts to Christ, our Good Shepherd. We also seek the loving intercession of our Blessed Mother during this month dedicated to her.

A blessed and safe week ahead, dear friends.

In Christ, with prayers for all of you,

Rev. Jonathan Paala

"I am the gate for the sheep...I came that you might have life, and have it to the full," says the Lord.  (John 10:7, 10)