

On this 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we hear Christ sharing with us the Parable of the Sower. We trust that the seeds of faith, hope, and love which the Lord has planted in our hearts will bear good fruits as we share them with our families, our loved ones, and all the people we encounter.

Those same seeds are cultivated each time we gather together in Christ's Eucharistic Sacrifice, either at St. Luke or at home through your virtual participation.  Let us ask God to send His Holy Spirit and make our hearts fertile soils for His Word, producing a rich harvest for His kingdom.

Starting August 2, 2020, there will be only two Masses on Sunday, 8:00am and 10:00am.  This will help us especially in making sure that our church is properly sanitized after each Mass.  Provisions will still be in place to accommodate enough people in church while maintaining the required physical distancing. We will still have our 5:00pm Anticipated Mass on Saturdays. No need to sign up for Mass attendance. Please make sure to submit your consent form (click here) each time you attend Sunday Mass.

Let us continue praying for one another and plead for God's mercies to deliver us from this covid-19 crisis. 

Looking forward to the time when all of us can gather together to worship God in our St. Luke Church as one community of faith.

Have a safe and grace-filled weekend, dear friends at St. Luke!

In Christ,

Rev. Jonathan Paala