

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted on July 24, 2020 in: General News

Dear St. Luke friends, 

On this 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Christ shows us another glimpse of what the kingdom of heaven is like.   Like the merchant, we are always in search for fine pearls--those which will bring us happiness and satisfaction.  But Christ, in His abiding love for us, assures us that the priceless pearl we have in Him and our place in His kingdom is the greatest of all the treasures combined, the source of true and lasting fulfillment.

As we gather together in our Eucharistic celebration, either in St. Luke or through virtual participation at home, we manifest through our worship and thankful praises how much we treasure Christ like a pearl of great price.  Our works of mercies are also treasures offered to our precious Lord Jesus, who is worth everything in our lives.

I am grateful to all of you for sharing your treasures of prayers and donations.  It is through such treasures that we are able to continue God's work of building His kingdom here within our parish community.  Thank you for your continued donations, sent either through the Archdiocese of San Francisco website (click here to donate), mail, or by dropping them in the office mail box. 

We continue praying for one another, with firm trust in God's sovereign love, care and protection.

In Christ,

Rev. Jonathan Paala



1) Starting August 2, 2020, there will be only two Masses on Sundays, 8:00am and 10:00am.  We will still have our 5:00pm Anticipated Mass on Saturdays. No need to sign up.

2) As recommended by the San Mateo Health Officer, please make sure to submit your consent form (click here to download and print) each time you attend Sunday Mass.  This will serve as a waiver to limit St. Luke's liability and will be used for contact tracing purposes.  Forms will be kept confidential and will be discarded after 45 days.

Jesus said to His disciples, "the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it." (Matthew 13:45)