Dear St. Luke friends,
On this 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Christ assures us how much he loves us and cares for us. His burning desire is to save our souls and unite us forever to Him. Christ sends us a reminder to stay awake and keep vigil at all times -- to remain as His faithful disciples until the end. God never leaves us unprepared for the vigil. He fuels our lamp and blesses us with the oil of the Holy Spirit, His Word in Sacred Scripture, His Most Precious Body and Blood in the Eucharist, and the graces of the sacraments.
Whenever you find your soul parched or lifeless and your lamp is running out of oil, approach the light and fount of life-giving water. Our Merciful Savior is waiting for you in the Blessed Sacrament. He wants to know you and get closer to you. (For online Eucharistic Adoration, click here to visit: God longs to come to you with His Divine Spirit as you celebrate with fellow brethren the love and peace of Christ in His Eucharistic Feast. He desires to come with His healing waters as you kneel before Him for forgiveness in the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Sustained by God's gracious gifts and filled with His love, our hearts are able to welcome Christ, the Bridegroom, when He knocks, disguised as the poor, suffering, ill, homeless, outcast and the neediest among us. We are empowered to make Christ alive through faith-filled works of mercies and allow God's kingdom of peace, justice and fullness of life to reign here on earth as it is in heaven. When Christ finally comes, we hope that we will be counted among those prepared to meet Him in love and have a place in His eternal banquet in Heaven, singing praises to God for eternity.
A most blessed weekend to all, as Christ keeps our lamps afire with His Spirit.
In Christ, with gratitude and prayers,
Rev. Jonathan Paala
"O God, you are my God whom I seek;
for you my flesh pines and my soul thirsts
like the earth, parched, lifeless and without water. " (Psalm 63:2)