Dear Friends in Christ,
On this Good Shepherd Sunday, Christ reveals to us His greatest love as the Lamb of God who was slain, who sacrificed his own life to ransom us from death and give us eternal life.
Christ is our Good Shepherd who knows the depths of our hearts, even before we could utter a word, whisper a prayer or sigh in suffering. Christ knows our deepest longing, our urgent needs, our heartaches and sorrows, our happiness, our disappointments and trials. Like a Good Shepherd, He draws us close to His arms and assures us of His love, care, comfort and strength.
O how Jesus, our Good Shepherd, longs to lead us to green pastures and feed us with His eternal Bread at His Eucharistic Feast. O how our Good Shepherd longs to embrace us back to His Heart in the sacrament of Reconciliation whenever we go astray. He longs to call each of us by name, that we are God's own cherished children, redeemed, forgiven and loved, no matter how much we have failed him. O how our Good Shepherd desires to unite us as His own beloved flock, as we gather in fellowship with one another and offer ourselves in service to God and one another.
Praying that throughout the coming week, the Spirit of our Risen Lord will renew us in thanksgiving for His Shepherd's love, guiding and guarding us and leading us home along the paths of everlasting peace, goodness and salvation within His fold.
Blessings of peace in Christ,
Rev. Jonathan Paala
"I am the good shepherd,
and I know mine and mine know me,
just as the Father knows me and I know the Father;
and I will lay down my life for the sheep.
I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold.
These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice,
and there will be one flock, one shepherd." (John 10:14-16)