

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

We celebrate this Sunday the climax of our liturgical year.  We celebrate the great feast toward which all of history is directed - the final coming of Christ.  We celebrate and acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord, the King of the universe.

Our King comes to us not with a majestic robe, or imperial crown and scepter.  He is our King clothed in magnificent love, crowned with thorns of suffering, shouldering the cross of passion.  Christ is our King who desires not power, control, prestige, success.  Christ's kingship springs forth from the power of His humble service, the power of His redeeming love, the power of His most Precious Blood shed as a sacrifice for our sins, and the truth of His sovereignty.   

On this solemn feast, we are asked to renew our allegiance to Christ Jesus, our Lord and King.  We are asked to let go of our attachment to earthly kings, our materialism, self-centeredness, pride, self-seeking power and fame.  We are asked to hold on to the Word and promises of Christ our King, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the one who is and who was and who is to come. We are asked to listen to the voice of our almighty King, who calls us out of the darkness of our problems, miseries, and sinfulness and draws us into the splendor of His glorious light.  

Let us ask God for the grace to give due homage to our King by responding to His magnificent love, becoming bearers of His love and truth as children of God. With the power of the Spirit of God, let us give honor to our King as we love and serve Him in His Eucharistic presence, and in His presence among our families, neighbors, communities, and in our own St. Luke parish community. And, with great gladness we await the moment when Christ, the King of our hearts, the King of our lives, the King of the universe, will finally call us to share in the fullness of life in His eternal kingdom in Heaven. 

God is Love, 

father Al
