

Our dear People of God,

Serving God for you and with you in the Churches of St. Luke and St. Timothy in these challenging times has brought about abundant blessings in our priestly life. You have welcomed as well as guided us. You have made an impact in our lives with your willingness and enthusiasm to work with us, your unworthy servants. We continue to encounter people of deep faith who truly care for God’s plan and His people. We have seen Jesus truly alive in you and through you. Though the mission to sustain and deepen our spiritual as well as communal life might take us some more time, effort and processes, we truly believe that what we have accomplished so far is giving God glory and honor.

As we once again prepare and celebrate the birthday of our Savior, let us  offer unto Him as our gift  what we have become so far. For the accomplishments we have attained, we praise Him. With the new strength coming from the challenges  we are facing, glory be to Him. For calling us to be more attentive and participative in our parish life and truthful in our relationships, we say Yes to Him. For the gift of Jesus Christ His Son in our midst, we thank Him.

Sisters and brothers in the Lord, just as we try to show honor and make anyone in our friendships happy on their birthday, may we please and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ on His birthday and on His daily comings. Let us offer all that we are, all that we have, and all we are called for to the One whose birthday has changed the world. Have a blessed Advent and grace-filled Christmas!

In the service of Jesus Christ,

Fr. Al and Fr. Manuel